March 14, 2024

On-Demand Webinar: Who’s Afraid of GitOps?

Brendan Cooper
Head of Marketing

GitOps is a Kubernetes configuration management practice originally defined by Weaveworks (RIP) and further popularized by OSS projects such as ArgoCD and Flux.

While GitOps brings the obvious benefits of IaC (like scalability and a single source of truth) to Kubernetes management, it also introduces several challenges. These challenges hinder many organizations from successfully switching to GitOps as their delivery model.

Ian Miell is an experienced cloud-native technologist with multiple GitOps implementations under his belt. Join him and Ant Weiss for this discussion of GitOps, its challenges, and how to tackle them for large-scale production use.

Group 5045

Session Overview

What you will learn:

- Why organizations are switching to GitOps (and why not)
- The pros and cons of popular GitOps tools
- What B&M (branch & merge) approaches to use
- How to tackle the major GitOps challenges

Who is this webinar for:

- Seasoned Kubernetes admins keen on operational excellence- DevOps professionals contemplating the switch to GitOps
- GitOps practitioners experiencing implementation challenges
- Dev/Operations managers looking for ways to optimize software delivery

Meet our experts

Ian Miell

Author and Software Consultant

Ian has over twenty-five years of experience in software consulting on, writing, running, architecting, and maintaining software and infrastructure for dozens of businesses from large to small.  He now focuses on unblocking organizations from making technical changes from the top to the bottom of the tech and management stacks.He has written the book 'Docker in Practice' (published by Manning), 'Learn Bash the Hard Way', 'Learn Git the Hard Way', and 'Learn Terraform the Hard Way' (published on Leanpub), as well as various training courses for O'Reilly Media. Check out his blog.

Anton Weiss

Chief Storyteller PerfectScale by DoiT

Anton has a storied career in creating engaging and informative content that helps practitioners navigate through the complexities of ongoing Kubernetes operations. With previous experience as a CD Unit Leader, Head of DevOps, and CTO and CEO he has worn many hats as a consultant, instructor, and public speaker. He is passionate about leveraging his expertise to support the needs of DevOps, Platform Engineering, and Kubernetes communities.

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Join industry expert Ian Miell as he deep dives into GitOps, its challenges, and how to tackle them for large-scale production use.
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