K8s Cost Optimization Tools to Minimize Your Cloud Spend

K8s cost optimization tools can help you optimize your Kubernetes costs and maximize your return on investment. In this article we will provide you with top five K8s cost optimization tools to implement in 2024.

What is K8s cost optimization?

Before we dive into the tools, let's first understand what K8s cost optimization entails. At its core, K8s cost optimization involves analyzing and optimizing the usage of cloud resources, including compute, storage, and networking, within a Kubernetes environment. By fine-tuning these resources, organizations can achieve significant cost savings without sacrificing performance or scalability.

When it comes to k8s cost optimization, there are several key factors to consider. One of the primary considerations is resource allocation. Kubernetes allows for dynamic allocation of resources based on workload demands. By closely monitoring and adjusting resource allocation, organizations can ensure that resources are utilized efficiently, avoiding overprovisioning or underutilization.

Another important aspect of K8s cost optimization is workload scheduling. Kubernetes provides a powerful scheduling mechanism that allows for intelligent placement of workloads across the cluster. By strategically scheduling workloads based on resource availability and utilization, organizations can maximize resource utilization and minimize costs.

In addition to resource allocation and workload scheduling, K8s cost optimization also involves optimizing storage usage. Kubernetes provides various storage options, such as persistent volumes and object storage, which can be utilized based on specific application requirements. By carefully selecting and managing storage resources, organizations can avoid unnecessary costs associated with overprovisioning or inefficient storage utilization.

Furthermore, network optimization is a crucial aspect of K8s cost optimization. Kubernetes offers various networking features, such as service discovery and load balancing, which can be leveraged to optimize network traffic and reduce costs. By implementing efficient networking strategies, organizations can minimize data transfer costs and improve overall network performance.

It's worth mentioning that K8s cost optimization is an ongoing process. As workloads and resource demands change over time, organizations need to continuously monitor and adjust their optimization strategies. Regular performance analysis, cost monitoring, and optimization reviews are essential to ensure that K8s environments remain cost-effective and efficient.

In conclusion, K8s cost optimization involves analyzing and optimizing the usage of cloud resources within a Kubernetes environment. By fine-tuning resource allocation, workload scheduling, storage usage, and network optimization, organizations can achieve significant cost savings without compromising performance or scalability. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of optimization strategies are necessary to ensure long-term cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

What are the best strategies for K8s cost optimization?

Before exploring the specific tools, it's essential to discuss the best strategies for K8s cost optimization. These strategies can serve as a foundation for your cost-saving efforts and pave the way for effective tool implementation.

1. Right-sizing your Kubernetes clusters

One of the most effective strategies for cost optimization is right-sizing your K8s clusters. This involves analyzing the resource utilization of your deployments and scaling your cluster nodes accordingly. By matching the resources to the actual workload requirements, you can eliminate unnecessary costs associated with over-provisioning.

Right-sizing your Kubernetes clusters requires a thorough understanding of your application's resource needs. It involves monitoring and analyzing metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and network traffic. With this information, you can determine the optimal number of nodes and their resource allocations.

Additionally, it's important to regularly reassess your cluster's resource requirements as your application's workload changes over time. By continuously optimizing your cluster size, you can ensure that you are only paying for the resources you actually need.

2. Implementing auto-scaling

Auto-scaling allows your K8s clusters to dynamically adjust the number of nodes based on workload demands. This ensures that you always have the appropriate amount of resources available, avoiding both over-provisioning and under-utilization. By automatically scaling your clusters, you can optimize costs and enhance performance during peak load times.

Implementing auto-scaling requires setting up policies and rules that define when and how your clusters should scale. These policies can be based on metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, or custom application-specific metrics. When the defined thresholds are exceeded, the cluster automatically adds or removes nodes to meet the workload demands.

It's important to strike a balance between responsiveness and stability when configuring auto-scaling. Setting thresholds too low may result in frequent scaling events and increased costs, while setting them too high may lead to under-provisioning and degraded performance.

3. Leveraging cost-effective storage solutions

Storage costs can quickly add up in a K8s environment. To optimize your storage expenses, consider utilizing cost-effective storage solutions like cloud-native storage options or object storage. These solutions offer scalability, high durability, and lower costs compared to traditional storage options.

Cloud-native storage options, such as Kubernetes Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims, provide dynamic provisioning and efficient utilization of storage resources. They allow you to allocate storage on-demand and scale it as needed, minimizing wasted resources and reducing costs.

Object storage, on the other hand, offers a highly scalable and cost-effective solution for storing large amounts of unstructured data. By leveraging object storage services provided by cloud providers, you can take advantage of their economies of scale and pay only for the storage you consume.

4. Deploying efficient container images

The size and composition of your container images can significantly impact the resources consumed within your K8s clusters. By optimizing your container images and eliminating unnecessary dependencies, you can reduce the storage requirements and improve the performance of your applications, leading to lower costs.

When building container images, it's important to follow best practices such as using multi-stage builds, leveraging base images with minimal footprints, and minimizing the number of layers. This helps reduce the overall image size and improves the efficiency of image distribution and deployment.

Furthermore, regularly reviewing and updating your container images can help ensure that you are using the latest versions of software libraries and frameworks. This not only improves security but also takes advantage of performance optimizations and bug fixes, leading to better resource utilization and cost optimization.

Additionally, consider implementing a container image registry to store and manage your container images efficiently. This allows for versioning, caching, and sharing of images across your organization, reducing duplication and optimizing storage usage.

Take a look how proteanTecs slashes cloud costs by 50% while building a culture of optimization.

And now, let's take a look at the top K8s cost optimization tools to implement in 2024.

K8s Cost Optimization Tool #1: PerfectScale

PerfectScale is an automated Kubernetes cost optimization and management platform. It's the industry's only production-ready automation platform that can safely and autonomously right-size your environment to enhance resilience and availability, eliminate waste, and reduce carbon emissions. With PerfectScale you can ensure your environment is always perfectly scalable to meet demand by effortlessly optimizing every layer of your K8s stack.

Some of the top DevOps teams, including Paramount Pictures, monday.com, Solidus Labs, and proTeanecs, have trusted their Kubernetes cost optimization to PerfectScale. Read their case studies here

kubernetes cost optimization tool #1 PerfectScale.io


  • PerfectScale is completely agnostic to all Kubernetes flavors and cloud types. You can manage resources across Kubernetes, Red Hat OpenShift, Rancher RKE, EKS, AKS and GKE for all your clusters. Our dynamic pricing integration is available for the three major cloud providers (AWS, GCP and Azure) 
  • PerfectScale provides a streamlined, intuitive UI built to streamline K8s optimization for practitioners regardless of their experience level. Get high-level environmental metrics and trends and quickly drill down into prioritized views that help users quickly take action. 
  • Accurate cost optimization recommendations: PerfectScale's AI algorithms are K8s-specific, accounting for evolving demand trends and configurations and taking into account dozens of different parameters, leading to precise Kubernetes cost optimization. 
  • Prioritization: PerfectScale helps you cut through the noise and chaos caused by observability alterting capabilites, helping you immediately identify issues throughout your clusters piroirtized by impact to the environment.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Get a comprehensive view and real-time notifications on resilience risks and cost anomalies impacting the environment. PerfectScale alerts are highly configurable and integrate natively with Slack and Microsoft Teams. Take a look at the full list of PerfectScale partners
  • Seamless integrations into the Application Delivery Process: PerfectScale natively integrates into any workflow process, allowing you to implement their recommendations manually via a Jira ticket, or autonomously directly to Kubernetes or with GitOps. 
  • Automated actions:The PerfectScaler functionality of the platform takes automatic actions to safely reduce costs and improve the stability of your environment. 
  • Frictionless Kubernetes Monitoring and Operations: PerfectScale aligns DevOps, SREs, and Platform Engineers with development and FinOps teams by providing the necessary data and visibility to make important decisions and improve operations.
  • K8s Carbon Emissions Monitoring:  PerfectScale helps you visualize the carbon impact of your K8s environment and provides trend analyses on how optimization actions reduce your overall carbon footprint
  • Proactive support: PerfectScale offers live Kubernetes expertise.
  • Multi-Cluster Support: PerfectScale can manage multiple Kubernetes clusters, making it suitable for organizations with complex, distributed infrastructures.


  • PerfectScale is currently only available in a SaaS version. Although the solution is SOC 2 Type II compliant, the on-prem version of the solution is not planned to be released until 2024. 
  • PerfectScale is not available on the Google or Azure marketplaces.  (Only available to purchase direct, through partners or on the AWS marketplace)


PerfectScale offers a generous 30-day free trial to experience the full benefits of this Kubernetes cost optimization tool. Check the Perfectscale pricing here.

In summary, PerfectScale simplifies Kubernetes optimization with purpose-built capabilities, proactive support, and integrated automation. PerfectScale is your go-to tool for Kubernetes cost optimization. It automates resource scaling, ensuring that your clusters are provisioned optimally, eliminating the wasteful over-provisioning that can inflate your K8s expenses.

K8s Cost Optimization Tool #2: Densify

Densify is a cloud optimization and resource management platform designed to help organizations maximize the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their cloud infrastructure. It primarily focuses on optimizing the allocation of cloud resources, such as virtual machines (VMs) and containers, across various cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).



  • AI-Driven Resource Optimization: Densify employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to provide intelligent recommendations for optimizing cloud and on-premises resources. This advanced technology helps organizations make informed decisions to reduce costs while maintaining performance.
  • Real-Time Performance Analysis: The platform offers real-time analysis of resource usage and performance, allowing organizations to identify and address issues promptly. This proactive approach helps ensure optimal resource allocation.
  • Multi-Cloud Support: Densify supports multiple cloud providers, making it a suitable choice for organizations with diverse cloud environments. This multi-cloud compatibility provides flexibility in managing resources across different platforms.
  • Cost-Saving Recommendations: Densify provides actionable recommendations for cost savings based on resource utilization patterns and business objectives. This feature assists organizations in achieving significant cost reductions.
  • Detailed Cost Reporting: The platform offers detailed cost reporting and forecasting capabilities. Users can gain insights into their cloud spending trends and plan for future expenditures more effectively.


  • Complexity: Implementing Densify and integrating it into an existing cloud environment can be complex, requiring time and effort for setup and configuration.
  • Cost recommendations are limited due to limited considerations or analysis of parameters ( like pod initialization). Furthermore, you are not able to get cost recommendations per container level.
  • Captiuring resilience issues are partly supported. 
  • Confusing UI: Despite offering a wealth of useful data, cast.ai's user interface (UI) may be deemed confusing by some users. The abundance of data can overwhelm users, making it difficult to navigate and extract meaningful insights from the platform
  • Limited Multi-Cluster Support: The tool can manage multiple Kubernetes clusters, making it suitable for organizations with complex, distributed infrastructures.


Densify offers customized pricing based on the organization's needs. For more information request a demo here.

In summary, Densify is a powerful cloud cost management tool that leverages AI and real-time analysis to optimize resources and reduce costs. Its multi-cloud support, cost-saving recommendations, and detailed reporting make it a valuable asset for organizations seeking to improve cloud cost efficiency. However, users should be prepared for some initial fine-tuning, potential pricing concerns, and integration complexities.

Take a look how Solidus Labs reduces Kubernetes resilience Issues by 90%

K8s Cost Optimization Tool #3: Kubecost

Kubecost provides real-time cost visibility and insights for teams using Kubernetes, helping you continuously reduce your Kubernetes spend. Kubecost is a great tool for you to see allocated spend across all native Kubernetes concepts, so you can provide your teams with transparent, accurate cost data reconciled with your actual cloud bill. Break down costs by namespace, deployment, service, and more across any major cloud provider or on-prem Kubernetes environment.



  • Cost Visibility: Kubecost provides detailed insights into your Kubernetes spending, allowing you to track expenses at the namespace, pod, and container levels. This granularity helps in identifying cost culprits and optimizing resource usage.
  • Resource Optimization: It offers recommendations for resource allocation, helping you strike a balance between performance and cost-efficiency. This can lead to significant cost savings by preventing over-provisioning.
  • Custom Alerts: Kubecost allows you to set custom alerts based on cost thresholds, ensuring that you are promptly notified of any budget overruns or anomalies. You can integrate with programmes like Microsoft Teams and Slack to maintain engineering workflows.
  • Open Source: Kubecost offe a self-managed open-source product called OpenCost.io. OpenCost.io is accessible and customizable by a broad community of users, contributing to its continuous improvement.


  • Complexity: Setting up Kubecost can be complex, especially in large-scale Kubernetes environments. Proper configuration and integration may require a significant learning curve.
  • Resource Overhead: Running Kubecost itself adds some resource overhead to your cluster, which may result in laggy performance in big clusters and additional cloud costs associated with hosting the solution.
  • Limited to Cost Monitoring: While it excels in cost visibility and optimization, it may not provide comprehensive insights into other operational aspects of your Kubernetes clusters.
  • Integration Challenges: Depending on your existing infrastructure and toolset, integrating Kubecost with other monitoring and management tools can be challenging and time-consuming.
  • Limited Multi-Cluster Support: The tool can manage multiple Kubernetes clusters, making it suitable for organizations with complex, distributed infrastructures.
  • Limited SaaS Coverage:  KubeCost cloud, the SaaS version of the solution is not generally available, but lacks the parity of their core product.


Kubecost offers both a free open-source version and a paid enterprise version with custom pricing.

In summary, Kubecost is a valuable tool for organizations seeking to gain control over their Kubernetes spending and resource allocation. While it offers numerous benefits in terms of Kubernetes cost optimization, it's essential to consider the complexity of implementation and its focus on cost-related aspects when deciding if it's the right fit for your Kubernetes environment.

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K8s Cost Optimization Tool #4: CAST AI

Cast.ai is Kubernetes Cost Optimization & Automation Platform. It enables you to run Kubernetes workloads seamlessly across multiple cloud providers, helping you leverage the most cost-effective options while maintaining high performance. CAST AI platform uses Machine Learning algorithms to analyze your workloads and optimize their deployment to the most cost-effective cloud for each one.


  • Cast AI provides you free analysis for all your clusters, with no limits on their number or sizes.
  • Near-instant results as comprehensive analysis of your cluster is available in about one minute. 
  • Improved cost transparency and accountability thanks to breaking down Kubernetes spend into clusters, namespaces and workloads. Further attribution of costs to various teams and projects is possible with labels. 
  • Real-time Kubernetes cost monitoring enables simplified inspection and reaction to anomalies. 
  • Kubernetes cost optimization insights for a comprehensive understanding of where Kubernetes costs come from and custom optimization recommendations for savings
  • Unlimited historical data retention, stored as time series. The cost data can be easily exploited on Grafana or any other dashboarding tool.


  • Complicated Onboarding: One of the potential drawbacks of using cast.ai is its complicated onboarding process. Without adequate onboarding support or guidance, users may find it challenging to grasp the intricacies of setting up and using the tool effectively.
  • Confusing UI: Despite offering a wealth of useful data, cast.ai's user interface (UI) may be deemed confusing by some users. The abundance of data can overwhelm users, making it difficult to navigate and extract meaningful insights from the platform.
  • Missing Features: Users of casti.ai may encounter frustration due to the absence of certain essential features. For example, cost recommendations are not possible on pod level. 
  • No recommendation based on Workload, container not available.
  • Cast AI offers community support for free tiers and dedicated support for enterprise clients. However, starting with CAST AI might be challenging. Lack of comprehensive onboarding support can result in users struggling to effectively configure and utilize the platform.


Cast AI offers a complimentary tier with fundamental suggestions and unrestricted analysis. Their premium packages are priced according to a monthly subscription fee, plus an additional charge per CPU. These plans start at $200 per month, with an extra $5 per CPU.

K8s Cost Optimization Tool #5: CloudZero

CloudZero is a cloud cost intelligence platform that specializes in helping organizations gain insights into their cloud spending and optimize their cloud cost management strategies. It provides a comprehensive view of cloud costs, usage, and resource allocation across various cloud providers.



  • Real-Time Cost Insights: CloudZero provides real-time visibility into cloud spending, allowing organizations to monitor costs as they occur. This immediate insight enables proactive cost control.
  • Integration with DevOps Tools: The platform seamlessly integrates with popular DevOps tools and workflows, making it a valuable resource for engineering and development teams. This integration enhances collaboration and cost management within the development process.
  • Cost Allocation by Team or Project: CloudZero offers the ability to allocate cloud costs by team or project, enhancing financial accountability and transparency within organizations.
  • Anomaly Detection: The platform includes anomaly detection capabilities, allowing users to identify and investigate cost spikes or unusual spending patterns quickly. This feature helps prevent cost overruns.
  • Collaboration Features: CloudZero promotes collaboration by enabling teams to work together on cost management initiatives. This collaborative approach ensures that multiple stakeholders can contribute to cost optimization efforts.
  • Single dashboard for AWS, Azure, GCP, Snowflake, New Relic, and Kubernetes.


  • Limited Support for Non-Cloud Resources: CloudZero primarily focuses on cloud cost management and may have limitations when it comes to managing costs associated with on-premises or non-cloud resources. Organizations with hybrid environments may need additional tools for comprehensive cost management.
  • Pricing Complexity: The pricing structure of CloudZero may be complex to calculate, making it challenging for organizations to predict costs accurately. It's important to thoroughly understand the pricing model and evaluate its suitability for the organization's budget.
  • May Not Suit Minimal DevOps Adoption: While CloudZero excels in DevOps environments, it may not be the best fit for organizations with minimal DevOps adoption. Organizations that do not heavily rely on DevOps practices may find some of its features less relevant.
  • Single dashboard for AWS, Azure, GCP, Snowflake, New Relic, and Kubernetes.


CloudZero offers customized pricing based on the organization's needs.

In summary, CloudZero offers real-time cost insights, DevOps integration, and collaboration features, making it a valuable tool for engineering and development teams. However, organizations should be aware of its focus primarily on cloud resources, potential pricing complexities, and its alignment with their level of DevOps adoption when considering its adoption.

Kubernetes cost optimization with PerfectScale.io

In conclusion, effective cost optimization in Kubernetes is paramount for maintaining efficient Kubernetes spending. These 7 tools offer a range of capabilities, from automated resource scaling to real-time cost visibility and multi-cloud optimization. With these tools at your disposal, you can confidently navigate the complexities of Kubernetes cost optimization, ensuring your cloud spending aligns with your budgetary goals.

No matter how big or small an organization is, PerfectScale is a complete solution that can enable them to save money on cloud costs without jeopardizing performance. PerfectScale uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to make sure that services are always finely tuned with the exact resources they need to meet demand while keeping costs as low as possible. 

To simplify Kubernetes cost optimization, PerfectScale automatically right-sizes and right-scales your resources. The solution continuously adapts to your ever-changing surroundings, ensuring your resources are proactively adjusted to reduce waste and improve system stability. 

PerfectScale takes the burden of Kubernetes cost optmization off the DevOps, Platform,SRE, and Finops teams, allowing them to focus on bigger, more important projects. Your K8s environment will continuously be perfectly scaled, with lower cloud costs, reduced SLA/SLO breaches, fewer outages and downtimes, and a more reliable and stable overall experience for users.

PerfectScale can be implemented in minutes and starts providing instant results. Book a demo today and find out how PerfectScale can help you lower your Kubernetes costs while putting system uptime and resilience first.

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